Learn to Recognize Physical Symptoms of Anger 

Sometimes people report that their anger goes from zero to ten in an instant. When people say this, it is usually because they do not recognize the warning signs that their anger is on the rise. Learning how to recognize when you are becoming angry can help you to make better decisions about how to handle your anger, which can greatly improve your marriage.

Your body has a reaction when you become angry. Everyone’s physical symptoms are a little bit different so it is important to learn how to pay attention to what your body does when you are angry. The most common physical reactions include feeling your face becoming hot, increased heart rate, sweating, shaking, and a change in breathing.

It is imperative to recognize when you are having physical symptoms of anger because it is important to intervene early. If you wait until your anger reaches an explosive level, you won’t be able to think clearly. However, if you can learn the warning signs that show your anger is rising, you can make a good decision for yourself.

It is important to recognize that when you are really angry, you won’t be able to productively solve problems with your partner. You also won’t likely have a meaningful conversation and won’t be able to express yourself in a clear manner. People become irrational when they are really anger.

It is most helpful to discontinue the conversation or activity that is causing you to feel angry. Recognize when your body is showing you that your anger level is on the rise. Then take a break as soon as you notice this. A break may include a walk, listening to music, or simply going to a different room.

Learning to take a break when your body signals that your anger is on the rise is one of the single most effective ways to manage anger. Keep a journal to help you start to pay attention to your physical symptoms and you’ll likely recognize a pattern. Your body will react similarly in almost any situation where you feel angry.

One Response to “Learn to Recognize Physical Symptoms of Anger”

  1. Recognizing and being proactive about anger before one “loses it,” is critical to effective anger management. Good article.

    David Cantu

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