Archive for the 'Family' Category

So You’ve had an Affair…Now What?

Research shows that the probability of someone having an affair in a relationship is very high (between 40 and 76 percent in one study). With almost half of all relationships involving infidelity, you may be wondering what  to do after such an incidence occurs. First, you have to decide if you are going to tell […]

Do You Know How To Find A Family Counselor?

There are three phases to starting counseling – deciding you need family counseling, finding a family counselor, and making it to the first session. Each phase has hurdles that need to be crossed, and each phase offers opportunities for families to back out. Finding a family counselor is perhaps one of the easiest phases, yet […]

Family Counseling After A Separation

When a long term relationship comes to an end, there are bound to be long-lasting effects for everyone. Some people can handle these situations well while others really struggle to control their emotions. Even if the signs were there for a long time, the actual separation still comes as a bit of a shock to […]

Why Some Families Can Handle Tragedy

One of the toughest things for any family to go through is some form of tragedy. In today’s world, tragedy is really often waiting just around the corner. Car accidents, house fires, workplace accidents, crime and, in today’s world, even terrorism can strike at any time – often leaving a family devastated by one or […]