Archive for February, 2011

Did I Marry The Right Person?

By Rabbi Shlomo Slatkin MS, LCPC While you may expect this question to be reserved for newlyweds, unfortunately, there are couples who are grandparents still asking this question. I find this question to be one of the most destructive questions you could ask about your marriage. Living with an unhappy marriage can be one of […]

Help – I’m Drowning – I’m Being Smothered By Love

I know there are some people who say “I wish,” but there are some people for whom this issue is a real problem – they feel they are being loved too much. This can feel like you are being smothered, and while a little bit is good for a relationship, there does come a time […]

Division of Labor with the Marriage

Sometimes people think that divorce is caused by major sources of conflict. In reality, it is usually smaller sources of conflict that are left unresolved and eventually they become big sources of conflict. Division of labor is one of those issues that can lead to big conflicts. Division of labor includes the day to day […]

Has Unemployment Affected Your Marriage?

Unemployment has a range of effects on people. Some take it in stride while others become seriously depressed. Unemployment also places a serious pressure on the finances of those affected. Add a spouse, children, credit card debt, and a mortgage to the mix and the end result can be a real strain on the marriage. […]

You Don’t Need To Be Married To Seek Marriage Counseling

Modern society enjoys freedoms that our forefathers would not only frown upon, most likely condemn. Living together ‘out of holy wedlock’ is certainly one of those freedoms. It has come at a price, however, as couples who live together without the legal ties of marriage find it much easier to move on if the relationship […]

Dealing With Cultural Barriers In Mixed Marriage

The United States is a united states in more ways than one. Today’s society is a multicultural mix that often bares little resemblance to the many original cultures that have gone into this mix. Unfortunately, or fortunately (depending on point of view), there are still large ethnic pockets throughout the country. That doesn’t mean that […]

When Difficult Children Put A Strain On The Marriage

Most children have a little ‘naughty’ streak. It’s actually a healthy sign and part of growing up. Some children do put a real strain on marriages, however, especially those that are diagnosed with problems such as ADHD. Children can also come under the influence of peers leading to problems with alcohol and drugs. Dealing with […]

Untreated Depression In a Marriage

When one partner has depression, it can have a big impact on the marriage. People with depression tend to isolate themselves, have less energy, and can be more irritable and all of these can put a strain on the relationship. The other partner is sometimes left feeling confused, lonely, and overwhelmed. When one partner is […]

Counseling Can Help You Recover From A Traumatic Divorce

While much of our focus on this blog is on saving marriages, sometimes a marriage is just not salvageable. The end result is the divorce courts, and while most divorces can be worked out amicably, there are times when issues lead to quite a traumatic experience. This is particularly true when violence, alcohol, drugs and/or […]

Before the Wedding…

In the 2007  film, The Heartbreak Kid, Ben Stiller portrays a newlywed who married his dream girl–or so he thought. After dating this woman for a short time, and marrying her to keep her from moving across the ocean, his sweetie becomes someone he can’t stand to be around and subsequently divorces. I recently saw […]

Should You Give The Big “D” Ultimatum?

What is the big “D” ultimatum? DIVORCE! Should you use the threat of divorce to force change in your partner? Should you use any form of ultimatum when your marriage is heading downhill? The problem with using any form of ultimatum is twofold – the first, it often gets used too often with no follow […]

Problems with the In-Laws

A common complaint in many marriages surrounds issues with in-laws. The role that your parents and your partner’s parents play in your life can have a big impact on your marriage. Successfully being able to separate from your parents when you are married is very important. If you or your spouse relies heavily on your […]

Grief and Loss

Everyone will experience a loss at some point in their lives; many already have. If you or your partner have lost a loved one, you know what a tumultuous time that can be.  Grief is defined as a “keen mental suffering or distress over affliction or loss; sharp sorrow; painful regret.” According to Elizabeth Kübler-Ross, […]

Do I Really Need A Marriage Counselor?

I’ll be blunt. If you have to ask that question, then in nine out ten situations the answer is yes. If you are having any doubts at all about your marriage, then you really should be talking to someone about those doubts. Ideally, you should be talking to your partner – if you can’t, then […]

How To Find Affordable Marriage Counseling

Despite popular opinion to the contrary, marriage counseling is not that expensive. Sure, you could travel to places like New York and spend thousands on a high profile therapist, but they are the exception, not the norm. There are couples who still struggle to find the money to pay for marriage counseling. That doesn’t mean […]

Anger Within the Marriage

Anger is an emotion that everyone has and it has developed a sort of negative connotation. Anger in itself is not a bad thing. Many good things have come out of people being angry. Anger has led to positive changes in society when people’s rights are being violated. We should feel some anger when we […]

Helping Your Family Survive Bankruptcy

They say that ‘money is the root of all evil’. They may be right since money is one of the leading causes of conflict in a relationship. There are times when fortune doesn’t favor us and the end result can be a mountain of debt, creditors constantly at the door, and the bank ready to […]

How Friendships Can Help Your Marriage

It is very important for couples to have their own friends and to maintain friendships, apart from their partner. Having a girls’ night out or guys spending a day playing a round of golf can be beneficial in lots of ways. Although your partner should be your main confidant, being able to talk and laugh […]

How To Sell A Private Counseling Practice

Selling a private counseling practice can be almost as hard as setting up a private counseling practice from scratch. Often, the value in the practice is in the practitioner themselves, so the minute they walk out the door, so too does the business. This can make selling quite difficult. However, there are a number of […]

How to Save Your Marriage

Are you wondering if your marriage can be saved? Have you heard the words “not in love”? In just four minutes, you can watch, Hope, You Can Save Your Marriage. In this video, you’ll: Renew hope for your marriage Hear about the normal life-cycle of a marriage Learn the most common mistake couples make when […]