Archive for December, 2011

Old and New Ideas for Kids’ Toys and Activities II

This is a sequel to my earlier post about interesting ideas for kids’ gifts and activities. Another suggestion is to visit all the NASA web sites.  Start with the main NASA site and go around to other sites as well. The NASA sites have age appropriate activities in all sorts of math and science geared […]

Old and New Ideas for Kids’ Toys and Activities I

Christmas may have passed by the time this entry is posted.  Nevertheless, it’s always the season to think about getting toys for kids.  Birthday and anniversary presents and gifts for others are always needed.  I want to throw out some ideas that may not have occurred to you. But, first, I want to raise another […]

What Assumptions Do You Make About Your Partner’s Behaviors

The way people interpret their partner’s actions makes a big difference in the marriage. It’s important to remember that your assumptions aren’t always correct. There may be many other possible conclusions that can be drawn about your spouse’s behaviors. In fact, many people jump to the wrong conclusion. This can lead to people feeling hurt, angry, […]

How to Teach Your Kid Not to be Mean!

In the last year or so, there has been a lot of media attention on a serious problem with kids—bullying.  Many children have committed suicide.  Others have gone into deep depression. On an adult level, we’ve seen deaths and injuries of young women and women who have had to experience hazing to be accepted. Several […]

Facebook Page has Moved

First, let me start out by saying thanks to all of those who followed us on Facebook! Apparently we made a mistake when we created the page, so we had to make a new one because Facebook would not let us change it. If you are still interested in following us on facebook, please like […]

The Pros and Cons of Your Angry Behaviors

Anger can cause problems in a marriage. How people behave when they are angry can contribute to a breakdown in the marriage. Sometimes people don’t recognize that their anger is a problem. It can be helpful to spend some time thinking about how you handle your anger and how this impacts your relationship. Think about […]

Deciding Whether or Not to Seek Fertility Treatment

The decision about whether or not to seek fertility treatments is never an easy one to make. There are lots of things to consider. A couple who is having difficulty conceiving should weigh their options before automatically pursuing treatments. Sometimes the stress of not being able to conceive can take a toll on a couple. […]

Winter Darkness

Winter is here for many of us.  Less sunlight, snow, clouds, rain, being shut in—these are the ingredients of a season that leads many of us to gloom. I have a few suggestions, but I want to preface my remarks by saying that I know many of us in this economy do not have all […]

What About the Kids When You Divorce? III

In my last post, I talked about some considerations that are often forgotten during the divorce.  There are lots more comments.  There is one serious comment I want to make, which has short, medium, and long-range consequences. Part of it comes down to this:  divorcing people don’t think of all the issues to cover when […]

What About The Kids when You Divorce? II

In the last post, I made some recommendations about how to begin thinking about what you should do when you and your partner are splitting.  I mentioned that there are some short, medium, and long range issues about which to think.  I want to make some general comments before going on.  These comments are made […]

What about the Kids When You Decide to Divorce? Post I

You and your partner have decided to split.  You have kids at home.  What should you be thinking about in terms of their short run, medium run, and long-term needs?  I raise this long question because I hear all sorts of stories as I counsel couples.  I also see children, both kids and adults, who […]

Dealing with the Grief that Stems From an Affair

Discovering your spouse has had an affair can be devastating. Many couples don’t survive after an affair. The added stress, the emotional response, and the strain on the relationship can be too much for many couples to bear. Learning how to respond to the affair and deal with emotions is a determining factor in whether […]

Plan Date Nights and Retreats

If you don’t purposely take time out of your schedule for your marriage, you might find that you don’t end up devoting enough time to your relationship. It’s important to plan for spending time together as a couple. Otherwise, you might find that time slips by without taking time out to renew your relationship. Many […]

What Kind of Problems Can Marriage Counseling Help With?

Sometimes people consider marriage counseling but don’t follow through with finding a counselor because they are uncertain. They wonder, can marriage counseling help with our problems? Do we really need marriage counseling? It is important to educate yourself about counseling if questions like these are preventing you from attending. Marriage counseling can address a variety […]

Respecting One Another’s Preferences

Sometimes each person in a relationship tries to show why their preferences are superior. They may discuss how morally their choices are better. It’s important to respect one another’s preferences without determining that one is more superior to the other. Look at some of the differences between your preferences and your spouse’s preferences. How do you […]

The Consequences of Nagging

Nagging doesn’t work. Especially not in the long run. Yet many people still nag their spouse. Women, especially, are often guilty of nagging their husbands. There are some serious negative consequences of nagging that can cause marital problems. Women often nag their husbands because they feel that if they don’t, their husband won’t get things […]

Feeling Angry with Yourself

When people are angry with themselves, their anger impacts all areas of their life. Feeling angry at yourself is going to interfere with relationships, work, and how you feel about yourself in general. If you’ve done something wrong, it’s important to learn how to deal with the consequences effectively. When you’ve made a mistake, you […]

What if the Truth Hurts?

There’s a recent movie called The Dilemma.  It’s about what happens when some guy’s buddy thinks about telling the truth about seeing his friend with a woman not his wife.  Should you always tell the truth?  What if the truth has unforeseen consequences?  Are you responsible—completely, partly?  Should you help or be required to pick […]

Allowing For Natural Consequences

Sometimes one person in a relationship goes to great lengths to prevent natural consequences. This can lead to that person becoming stressed and overwhelmed. It can also cause resentment to build. Sometimes, it is okay to allow for natural consequences to run their course. Wives especially seem to be guilty of trying to prevent consequences, […]

Can You Ever Forgive?

This is always a timely question, but particularly around the holiday season.  We will be going over to the houses of family and friends.  Somebody may be there who has hurt us deeply.  Should we let bygones be bygones, should we not go, or should we confront them?  These are some thoughts. Not everyone is […]