Lack of Sexual Desire 

Lack of sexual desire can be caused by several different factors. Physical health problems, mental health problems, and substance abuse are some of the most common reasons people lack sexual sexual desire. Lack of sexual desire can be very damaging to a marriage so it is important to explore what the causes may be.

Some physical health issues that decrease a person’s sexual desire include hormonal problems and many chronic illnesses. Sometimes the side effects of medications can decrease a person’s libido. Many anti-depressants have this side effect. Sleep problems can also impact a person’s overall functioning, including sexual desire. Fatigue is another barrier to a healthy sex life.

Mental health problems can include factors such as depression. Depression causes people to lose interest in many things, including sexual activity. Anxiety can also interfere with sexual desire. Chronic stress and feeling overwhelmed with life can be another factor. When people are feeling like they have too much to do, too little time, or not enough money, sex can move to a lower spot on the priority list.

Substance abuse issues also impact sexual desire. Chronic and excessive use of alcohol can make it impossible for people to maintain sexual desire. Depending on the substance, some of them impact sexual desire in the short-term while others impact it in the long term.

Lack of sexual desire can be related to relationship problems as well. If you are angry and feel resentful toward your partner, sex may be one of the last things you want to do. However, lack of sexual contact is likely to cause more damage to the relationship.

If you are experiencing a lack of sexual desire it is important to see your doctor for a complete physical. It can be a warning sign that your body’s chemistry or major systems is having some problems. It may be an easy fix. If you receive a clean bill of health, consider therapy.

Therapy can help determine if there are any underlying mental or emotional issues impacting your sexual desire. Couples therapy can also be helpful to assist both partners in dealing with sexual issues. It is important not to wait, as lack of sexual contact can negatively impact your relationship in the long-term.

2 Responses to “Lack of Sexual Desire”

  1. Sexual problems are sometimes the hidden reason couples come in for counseling. I was pleased to see how you covered many of the reasons for sexual issues in marriage. With over 35 years of experience helping couples, this is an issue I see frequently and, again, I am glad you are addressing it so directly. My Tweet for today is directly regarding this issue. I Tweet on Marriage Friendly issues at @efgunz

  2. Great information for couples on a topic that people don’t usually feel comfortable talking about. Thanks for addressing it. Ilissa Banhazl, Marriage and Family Therapy,

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