Archive for the 'Marriage' Category

How Putting Your Kids First can be Damaging to Your Marriage

I’m sure a lot of people cringe at the notion that it can actually harm your marriage if you put your kids first. However, there is evidence out there that making the kids your top priority can be problematic for kids, for parents’ mental health, and for the marriage. Unhealthy for Kids When you put […]

Improve Your Marriage by Doing Fun Activities Together

One of the best prescriptions to improve your marriage can be to have some fun together. Although it seems like a simple idea, it can go a long way to improving your marriage. However, many couples report a variety of reasons that prevent them from having fun together. How Fun Activities Can Help Doing fun […]

Every Couple has Problems, but when do we Need Counseling?

Just about every time a couple comes into me for counseling, they probably should have come to see me about a year ago. Usually, the problem they’re coming to see me for started about a year ago and they’re just now coming to see me for it. I used to ask why they waited so […]

Jumping to the Wrong Conclusion

Our reactions to events are based on core beliefs we’ve developed about ourselves and the world. Based on past experiences, including childhood experiences, people develop these underlying beliefs. People’s underlying beliefs can cause them to incorrectly interpret their partner’s behaviors and can cause marital problems. For example, a husband comes home from work early. One […]

Celebrate Your Anniversary to Keep Your Marriage Strong

Many couples don’t celebrate their anniversaries. They don’t do much to honor the day beyond saying “Happy anniversary” to one another. However, celebrating your anniversary can actually be very good for your marriage. Most couples put a lot of energy into planning their wedding. They spend a lot of money, invite a lot of people, […]

The Impact of ADHD on a Marriage

Many people mistakenly believe that people outgrow Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). However, ADHD doesn’t go away when people reach adulthood. Many adults with ADHD report that their symptoms have changed over the years, but haven’t gone away. If you or your partner has ADHD it is important to learn about how it is likely […]

Giving Within the Marriage

Finding a balance of give and take is important in a marriage. Sometimes people give too much and grow resentful. Other times, people take too much, causing their partners to grow weary. It’s important to take stock to ensure that you’re giving enough for the marriage and that you are also giving for the right […]

Internet Pornography and Sexualized Behaviors Can Damage Marriages

Technology has allowed easy and free access to pornography. Many people who would not purchase pornography if they had to do so in a public place feel free to access it in the privacy of their own home. There have been numerous studies on how the increase in pornography has been damaging. Marriages can be […]

Making Your Bedroom a Romantic Retreat

Sometimes the demands of bills, work, and children can take a toll on the romance in a marriage. Making sure your bedroom is a romantic retreat to escape all the stressors of everyday life can be helpful to the health of your marriage, including your sexual intimacy. A few simple steps can help ensure that […]

What Kinds of Questions Do Marriage Counselors Ask?

Before entering into a counselor’s office, many couples wonder, “What kind of questions do marriage counselors ask?” Often, prior to the initial meeting, anxiety builds as people imagine what the appointment might be like. It can be helpful to be aware of what sorts of questions you might be asked during a marriage counseling appointment […]

How Does Your Job Affect Your Marriage?

How does your employment affect your marriage? Having an enjoyable job can make a big difference in your overall happiness and your marriage. However, there are many circumstances where work can have a negative impact on the relationship. Stress How stressful is your job? For people who experience high stress jobs, it may negatively impact […]

5 Strategies to Help You Successfully Buy Your First Home Together

Buying your first home together is  big step for any couple. It’s important to make sure that both of you get a home that you are comfortable with and that you can enjoy together for years to come. A home can elicit a variety of feelings. If you love your home, you likely will feel […]

Aspies and Romantic Relationships

I’ve written before about a number of issues faced by people with Aspergers.   I’d like to tackle the one about relationships.  I welcome your feedback and I will expand upon what I’m saying in other posts. Temple Grandin wrote in her first book about not wanting to be in a relationship because she missed […]

Can Facebook Actually Help Improve Your Marriage?

There’s a great debate about whether technology improves relationships or harms them. Technological advances are often supposed to make life easier. Social media, cell phones, and computers should make communication simple. However, the reality is, that technology sometimes seems to make people grow further apart rather than grow together. So in an age where technology […]

7 Easy Steps To Stay Connected To Your Partner During An Argument

Responding to Criticism From Your Spouse

Criticism can be very damaging to any relationship, especially a marriage. If you live with a spouse who tends to criticize you frequently, it is important to take a look at your reactions to the criticism. Learning how to respond to criticism in a helpful way can help decrease the damage created by criticism. Managing […]

6 Ways to Deal With a Spouse’s Substance Abuse Problem

Substance abuse problems can tear a marriage apart very quickly. Being married to someone who has an addiction can be draining. Learning how to respond to your spouse’s addiction can help you heal yourself as well as your marriage. Whether your spouse is struggling with alcohol, prescription drugs, or illegal drugs, your marriage is at […]

Giving Versus Getting in the Marriage

People often focus on what they are getting out of their marriage, rather than what they are giving to it. This seems to be especially true when people feel like they are not getting what they want out of the relationship. It can be helpful to spend more energy focusing on what you are giving […]

Understanding Your Spouse’s Point of View

Learning how to look at things from your spouse’s point of view can greatly improve your marriage. Trying to see things through your spouse’s eyes can help reduce conflict, increase your compassion toward one another, and improve your communication. It takes practice however, to try and step back and recognize what your spouse may be […]

Things to Consider Before You Divorce

For couples who are talking about divorce, it is important that you consider many factors before making a decision. The emotional turmoil related to a strained marriage can make it difficult to think clearly and make a well-considered decision about whether to divorce or stay together. For other couples, the pain of infidelity or grief […]