Inexpensive Ways to Spend Quality Time Together 

Many couples report less time and less money than ever before.  As a result, their relationship experiences less quality time together and fewer dates.  Increased life stress tends to put more stress on relationships.  When life becomes stressful, it is the most important thing to spend quality time with your partner.

Quality time together does not have to involve expensive dates or long weekends away.  Instead, it can include setting aside some time doing something together that costs little or nothing.  It may even involve joining your partner in some of the things they already do.  Instead of watching television while your partner does the dishes, make it a combined effort.  Brainstorm ideas for how you can spend quality time together.

Ideas for low and no cost quality time include:

  1. Giving each other massages
  2. Cooking a meal together
  3. Playing a board game
  4. Looking through old pictures or watching old home movies
  5. Creating a scrapbook
  6. Going for a walk
  7. Taking a hike at the park
  8. Volunteering together
  9. Take a class to learn a new hobby, sport, or to focus on self-improvement

Quality time means that you are focused on each other.  Watching television does not necessarily count as quality time together.  Many couples sit in the same room with the television on with little interaction between each other.  This does nothing to improve the relationship.

Instead, find activities that allow you to learn more about each other and about yourselves.  Find activities that stimulate conversation and inspire new ideas.  Trying something new together can be exciting and adventurous.  Perhaps you have always wanted to try yoga or you would like to take surf lessons.  Try it together as a couple.  Spending time doing things for other people can also bring couples closer.  Serve meals at a soup kitchen or build homes for Habitat for Humanity.  Not only will it help you appreciate what you have, but it will give you an opportunity to work as a team improving your community.

People with children sometimes worry that spending couple time together is selfish.  One of the most loving things parents can provide for their children is a loving relationship between one another.  Role modeling healthy relationships for children means spending quality time together.

One Response to “Inexpensive Ways to Spend Quality Time Together”

  1. Spending quality time together is the best way for every relationship. Your tips is very helpful. Thanks for sharing it.

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